Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today was counseling day! I always look forward to just getting out of the house and seeing Glenda is especially cool. She is always so understanding and really helpful. One thing I will say is I think we have a lot to do but I am encouraged and feel we have a direction in which to go. I remain determined to get better and feel I am making progress. I know I am not ready to return to the work force but that is my goal and eventually I will get there. The only rough news was I almost fell again and hurt my wrist but it isn't too bad and I can live with it. Cottia noticed that I had stubbed my toe. I didn't even feel that when I fell because the left side still is struggling. But, overall a good day of counseling.
Cottia did very well in school today and didn't cry. She is doing well on her homework and comes home with a smiley face everyday. I could not be more proud of her. She is reading and spelling and does her homework before she does anything else when she gets home. Eva also had a good week at school. As a reward we get them a small something to encourage good behavior and to let them know that with hard work comes rewards.
Eva seems to have developed a bit of a cold and Emily said her head is hurting. Cottia seems ok but I just hope we can keep the yuke out of the house.
Tonight Emily took Cottia to register for Awana's at the Church and Eva is in the bed she is just not feeling well.
So, another day in the life of the Taylor's. I hope everyone that reads this has a good night and may God richly bless you and your family.

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