Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Today was therapy day and I am always worn out after which is good. I told my physical therapist not to be afraid to push me. I have worked so hard and been so determined to get better and I still want to be pushed. The pain in the lower left leg continues to bother me and I am not sure why my toes seem to continue to be spreading apart on the left foot. It is painful. But, I am dealing. I seemed to have had more than usual tremors today. I'm not sure why but I felt the workout actually went well. My speech is better the more relaxed I am but if I get upset then the speech seems to get worse and of course there is the risk of a big tremor. None the less, today's session went well and I am still hopeful for a full recovery. Not just to get better. When I look at all the other folks there that are in much worse shape than I am it really makes me realize just how blessed I truly am. When I am done, I am so tired that all I want to do is just rest which I did this afternoon. Tomorrow is counseling day and I am ready to see Glenda. I am looking forward to our time and to working through whatever issues are causing the conversion disorder. I am prepared to face whatever it takes to get better.
On another note, Eva started 3 year old preschool this week and it just amazes me how she has grown. She is so beautiful and wants to do homework. I wonder how long that will last but for now she is so cute.
I still have not heard anything on when they are going to do the CT scan so I may need to call about that. We have sent off all the paperwork that we have control over and hope we have everything set up. Now we just have to wait on short term to make a decision for the month of August 19th through Sept 20th when Long Term kicks in and has already been approved.
So, I guess that is about it for today. The girls are doing well and Emily is her usual strong and vibrant self. I had what I consider a good day and a good workout and am looking forward to the day when I am no longer using a walker at all and don't have to worry about falling. I am truly learning to live one day at a time and learning more and more to lean on God and his everlasting grace. I hope everyone who reads this has a good night and may God richly bless you all.

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