Saturday, August 6, 2011

Today was a pretty good day. My ankles and hips are in some pain and the pain in the foot continues but it is just a part of my life. Emily made home made spaghetti (sp) and wow was it ever good. I know she needs a break and I think she plans to get it. My toes on the left side seem to be separating more and the tingling in the fingers is still there. I think one of the hardest things is how confused I can get and the things I forget. But, it is random not all together.
I have a tradition every year the weekend before Carolina's first game I take all my girls including Chloe on what I call Gameday with the Gamecocks. We buy the car flags for the season and usually a few other items and then make our way to the stadium and take come pictures. I told Emily I want to do that again this year. I want their lives to be as normal as possible. Emily usually drives anyway so that won't be a problem. The ain problem will be how far along I am. I know I won't be able to climb the stadium stairs but I will probably be able to make it out to the stadium to have the pictures made even if I have to sit for them. But, I will do everything in my power to make that weekend happen. I believe in family traditions and this is one that is for daddy and his girls. I refuse to give into whatever this disease is and will fight as hard as I can. Every year since Chloe was born I have done this and it will not end simply because I have a hard time getting around or even if I have a tremor or fall. I simply will not allow that to happen. Emily has her holocause meeting the weekend before the season opener so we may have to make it the weekend before that or labor day weekend. So, please pray I have the strength to do it and the girls enjoy it. We also usually end up at La Fiesta for lunch. It isn't a long day so getting worn out should not be a problem but it will be different this year and even taking a shower wears me out so who knows how it will work out this year. None the less, I still plan to make this happen God willing.
Jason is with us this weekend and we are glad to have him back in our home. He has become such a big part of our lives and we are blessed to watch him grow and to see the man he is becoming. I love watching how God is working in his life.
So, life goes on and I anticipate my therapy sessions next week and then the appointments with my family doctor and the neurologist. I really hope we get some answers and can truly find out what is going on medically.

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