Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today was the first day of school and I am waiting to hear what and how Cottia enjoyed it. I'm sure she made some new friends and is excited about the year and seeing her friends.
As for me, I had occupational therapy and physical therapy. I told them about the separation of my toes and the pain it is causing. It is now starting in the right foot and the pain is in both ankles. My tremors are very noticeable and my physical therapist worked on the bike and some leg exercises. I was worn out but I had not been sleeping very well lately anyway so I'm sure that contributed to it. I have counseling tomorrow but no more therapy this week and while I don't like missing I could use the rest. Well, not much more to tell. I feel weaker and more tired but I have also been through a lot the last week and so an emotional rollercoaster is to be expected. The tingling in my fingers has moved to my legs and toes so hopefully the neurologist will have some answers. My handwriting is getting worse....if that is possible....and I get tired just writing my name and address. I see the neuologist Friday and hope to get some answers. I hope you all have a good evening and may God bless.

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