Friday, August 5, 2011

Today was counseling day. I always look forward to my time with Glenda. We had a good session and I do feel this blog and talking with her helps me deal with the situation I am in. I don't want to speak for her but she seemed to be concerned that I would be able to do 20 hrs a week as well. But, like she says, she is not a doctor so it really comes down to the doctors and weather my employer will work with me. I know my direct manager will and feel the folks I work with will do all they can to help but it will be a corporate decision and that is the parent company. It may come down to continuing therapy or working the 20 hrs a week. If that is the case then I will probably try to go back to work and if it doesn't work out then so be it, at least I tried. I would rather give it all I have for my job and sacrifice my body and health to keep my job so I can be the man my wife and children deserve and the provider God has created me to be. I dont know yet how this will all work out and I still have not given up on doing both. But, it all gets down to the facts of my situation and a lot has to do with what the neurologist says. The stress is obviously not helping but there are circumstances beyond my control in motion here and all I can do is continue to push as hard as I can at therapy for as long as I can and see how it all plays out.
On another note, a long family friend passed today and while we rejoice in his homecoming we mourn his loss and grieve with his family. But, we know where he is and we know he is resting in the arms of his Jesus now. That is comfort enough.
I hope everyone has a good weekend and may God richly bless you. Always remember. No matter what happens in your life, there is always someone in worse shape and you are blessed no matter what your future holds because God holds all our futures and his plans are always perfect. God bless you all.

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