Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cottia spent the night with my mom last night but did not have a good nights sleep until she had run papa Vance out of the bed so she could sleep with Ma Re. She made a point of telling me how bad Ma Re snored even with her CPAP machine on!! I'm not sure how much sleep the child actually got but she had a very good time. My mom washed her cloths and we are glad to have her back home. She got to go fishing with her friend Hunter today and really enjoyed that. They are actually cute together. It is funny how I look at him and wonder how their friendship will develop through the years. But, I am glad she has a friend like him because I know his parents and the way he is being raised and that he is in Church every Sunday. To me that is very important. Emily did some house cleaning and then went shopping. The girls and I took naps and now are just waiting on mom to get home. Eva is watching Curious George and Cottia is watching something but I'm not sure what is it. Usually means Spongebob.
I had some pretty intense chest pain this morning but it passed after I took my medicine. Right now, I am just tired and ready for a quiet evening. I am hoping I can get some rest and this sore throat is just the beginning of a little drainage and will pass. At least the chest pains are gone. The separation of my toes seems to be about the same but it hurts. I am just hoping it doesn't start on the right foot. I have felt the beginnings of the same kind of pains but right now it is not as bad. I did have the knife in the right calf last week that shot down my leg which worries me but it is not consistant yet so I am hopeful it will not become a factor. We will see.
Well, tomorrow is Church and the last Sunday before school. But, I will still be busy with therapy and counseling. But, all my doctors and therapists have made a point of telling me to rest and to take naps because my body is just tired and I am emotionally drained after what happened last week. They are all concerned about a set back. But, I am determined to continue to fight. I hope the Lord leaves me on this earth for a long time and I still hope another child is in our future even if it is not ours.
I woke this morning at 4:30 with worry and I'll admit a bit of anger still towards the investigator who did not tell the whole story and so I wrote an email. I'm not sure I'll send it because I know God has a way of handling these things in his own time and way but it helped me to get out some of my frustration. I just don't want to be bitter or angry. It is just going to take some time and right now I can focus on therapy and getting better.
So, that is it for today. I hope you all go to Church tomorrow and may God richly bless you all.

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