Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today was therapy day and it was a good day! I did stand on my own without using my hands. I had tremors and the therapist had my walker in front of me and my chair behind me but I made it. My posture is not very good which is another sign of parkinson's and he did not balance tests and I did ok but still had some tremors. But, they did not take over and I was able to stand without my walker for just a few minutes and without leaning against something even if it was just for a short period of time. To me, it was amazing and shows signs that I am making progress but will it be enough to get me where I need to be and how far can I go? I don't have the answer to that but one thing I do know is no matter what I refuse to give up. During occupational therapy I stood for about 4 or 5 minutes but I was leaning against a table. I do find that using wrist weights helps with the tremors in my hands. But, the occupational therapy also said he notices the tremors in my neck and so the evidence is piling up IMO that this is Parkinson's.
Speech also went well Joanna is just outstanding. But, I am working with Dr Henri and she is really working hard to get me to where I need to be. In all honesty, they are all outstanding and HealthSouth is one fantastic place. We talked about why I seem to be more fluent at home and my scores are getting better on the metronome (sp) program. I asked her out right if she thought I would be able to get to where I need to be by the end of the month and she said she wasn't sure but we are not going to give up. But, I am going to push hard and keep working as hard as I can to get to those 20 hrs. The real question is how much will Unum/Colonial work with me to keep the job. I am making progress but is it enough and is it fast enough. That is the big question.
On another note, after I do my therapy I am so tired and worn out and in a lot of pain but pain has just become a part of my life. So, I came home and laid down for a nap. I was awakened by the laughter of the two prettiest little girls in the world. We played in the bed and the girls just giggled then Eva head butted me right smack in the nose. I thought oh wouldn't this be just perfect that she had broken my nose. But, I don't think it is broken. It does hurt and I do have a bad headache from it but I have been through much worse so this too will pass.
And so, we come to the end of another day and one or progress. I feel I am making progress and am working very hard to get to where I need to be. God is in control and we will see where he is leading us. Hope all is well with everyone and may God richly bless you.

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