Saturday, July 2, 2011

Another day, another adventure. We had our God daughter over for the night which meant more work for Emily but I did my best to help. I got up this morning and watched all three girls while Emily slept. I'm not sure when she woke up but I sent the girls for her around 9:30. I had been up with them since around 7. They really didn't want breakfast so it wasn't too bad. I just let them but on their bathing suits and go outside and play. Eva is so cute and tried so hard to keep up and really does a pretty good job. They found cataba worms in the yard and had a blast catching them. I made every effort to stay up for as long as I could just to try to keep pushing myself even after Emily had gotten up. We also had another guest my surrogate son Jason and he woke up around lunch time pretty typical for a teenager but he did go outside and so Emily did not have to do everything which was good. Jason is great with the kids and loves them like sisters and spent a good deal of time with them. I finally just gave out and went back to bed at 12:30. I was exhausted and my left foot was in a lot of pain but I had promised to take Cottia fishing and I had Jason with me so he was a great help. Emily took Chloe home and went shopping. I felt bad that she could not go fishing with us but I am working very hard on having a day off for her next week in the hopes she can go fishing or do whatever she wants to. My neice has ageed to watch the girls so Emily just has to pick the day she wants off probably next Friday. I didn't have a tremor but I did feel my speech was a little worse today and I have tingling in my left fingers and toes so I don't think that is a good sign. Still we went fishing and Cottia caught the biggest fish. We all caught 2 fish but one got back in the water. It was just nice to be with her. I just need to relax now and settle down. All in all a pretty good day if I could just get this pain in the foot and the tingling in the fingers figured out. The tremors are still there but I don't think I had one today other than in my hands. I am so tired now and my chest is a bit tight but hopefully it is nothing. I have the nitro in case I need it I just hope I don't pay for all I did with a bad night which has been the case in the past.
I appreciate all my wife did to make this a very special weekend for Cottia, Chloe and Eva. We had pizza and swimming and a lot of just good fun for kids. I am also grateful to Jason for all his help while we were fishing. He is such a good young man and does anything I ask him to do to help out. So, now, I begin to wind down and hope I can get some rest tonight. Cottia spends the night off tomorrow so all we have to worry about is Eva. I almost wish Jason would just stay with us because I can use the help and in so many ways he is like a son to me. But, once again, my wife made the decisions and made the weekend special for the girls in difficult times.
On another note, there truly is nothing like fishing with my Cottia. Teaching her the things my grandfather taught me because my dad never did is very special and the fact that I am also teaching Jason makes it all the more special because he as never been taught these basic things either. It gives me a sense of purpose. I just need to learn to not exceed my time outside because I am so tired right now. Still, I plan to do it again as soon as I can. As long as I have Jason or another adult with me I can sit behind my walker and hope for the best. There is nothing like fishing with your child and even your surrogate child.
Happy 4th to everyone. I hope it is a great one and safe one for all.

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