Thursday, July 21, 2011

Therapy went well today and I actually stood up for 3 minutes without holding onto anything. I did tremor but I didn't fall which was incredible. Speech also went very well. I feel I may have even had a break through. I was exhausted after and had some chest pain so I think I may have had an angina attack but I got through it.
I did receive a phone call from short term disability approving me through August 19th which is when I meet with the neurologist. I dont know if that means the investigation is over or what but she did say that they had a staff meeting and made the approval. I will feel much better when I have something in writing before I am completely comfortable with the whole thing but this is obviously good news.
Well, the family is here from Virginia so I don't expect to blog for a few days but we are excited to have them and look forward to Cottia's birthday party.
I also want everyone to know that Crystal is doing fine. She was back at work and I actually spoke with her and we both got a good laugh. I feel so much better just knowing she is ok.
Honestly, I still am confused as to why the investigator came but I don't think they would have approved the claim if he was not satisfied. I sent him an email yesterday shortly after our meeting and he has yet to respond. I also find it ironic that I called the human resource manager yesterday and he has yet to respond. Now, according to his message he is in the office and I am sure he is busy but all I asked for was an acknowledgement that he got my email and you would certainly think the HR manager would have called back by now. But, again, until I have something in writing that this thing is resolved I can not know for sure.
So, I will leave you with this until I blog again, I have made progress and will continue to work hard at therapy and look forward to the meeting with the neurologist in August and see what he thinks. A fresh pair of eyes will be a good thing and if he continues with the conversion disorder then I'm not sure where we will go from there but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
Have a great weekend.

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