Saturday, July 16, 2011

Today, I finally did sleep in a bit but am just so excited that the girls are on their way home. I think the house will be filled with noise and adventure once again in just a little while. I know they were stopping off to eat and then would be heading the rest of the way home so I am not sure exactly how much longer it will be but I just know that I can't wait to see them. Well, that is about it. I continue to struggle with the pain in my left legs and speech but I'll get through it. The investigator comes Wednesday and I am ready to get that behind me because it has certainly added to my stress level. Just having resolution one way or the other is going to be helpful. My counselor read me the verse for that way which is my birthday ironically enough. But, the verse talks about Jesus offering up loud cries and tears to the one who could save him. Now we all know this was regarding the cross but in my case I take it as offering up loud cries and tears regarding my claim and job to the only one that will truly make the final decision. I know the disability folks have the last human word but in the end God the Father already knows what will happen. There is also a verse she read to me that said to make my concerns known so that others can pray so I am asking everyone to be in prayer for me to be able to remember the things I need to remember and to keep at peace during this time. God has my back as they say so I need not worry.

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