Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today was therapy day and I really look forward to my therapies. I feel I am making progress and the Physical Therapist is really challenging me. I know he wants to challenge me more and I feel that is good. Speech went well. Dr Henri is a great lady and very caring. My speech was better today but I did have some tremors. As always after therapy I am really tired and am getting ready to take a nap. But, one thing I promised when I began to blog was to be honest about everything and I debated weather to mention this or not but being honest means telling everything. I got a call yesterday from an investigator with my disability company. He is coming to visit me next Wednesday. What I don't know is it standard practice or do they just want a reason to deny me my claim. It certainly has added to my stress level but I also know I have nothing to hide and if you look at it from their perspective so many things have happened over the last year to one person so I would be suspicious as well. I actually slept well last night with a sense of peace because I know God is in control. Even though there is always concern because they may very well deny my claim he has the final word and I have several people who are willing to write letters stating what they have seen and what I have been through.
I continue to have pain in my left foot but there was some numbness in my ankle which they said is good. Any feeling of any kind is good even if it is just numbness. So, another chapter unfolds in this ongoing ordeal but like I told Emily no matter what happens we will get through it as a family together and moving forward. I actually look forward to next Wednesday now and if for no other reason to give a sense of closure to the claim.
My records have all been sent except one that I know of so that may be the reason for all of this but who knows. My counseling is tomorrow and we will go through some relaxing techniques to help me get through the next few days.
It is also important for me to say that I don't blame them for investigating since so much has happened. If I were in their position I probably would do the same thing. I know I am disabled and the people that know me know I am disables and believe in me and really that is all that matters in the end.
So, here's to the future and whatever God has in store for me.

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