Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Well, today was certainly eventful and scary all at once. During physical therapy, I was working with a new therapist for me whom I did not know. She asked me to stand without holding on to anything which I have not tried at all since this began. My left side quickly gave out and I fell directly on her and the hard floor. She started crying and I was crying more because she was hurt than me because it had finally happened. I had hurt someone. I know it is a part of her job and I know she knows the risks but still she was in obvious pain. It took two big guys to get her up and they left me on the floor while the doctor came in. He checked me and said he felt I had strained some muscle in the left leg but nothing broken. But, I was to follow up with my doctor. They applied ice to my leg and said to just take it easy. My biggest concern was Crystal. I just could not believe what had happened. Eventually they got me up on a table and the occupational therapist came over. I was very weak and tired and eventually the pain started to set in especially in my tail bone area. But, they knew how upset I was and how to calm me down. We actually played connect 4!! I did pretty good but then she played another game with me and it was quite clear that my left side continues to be weaker than my left. I did not have speech therapy which was probably for the best. I just wanted to come home. I called Emily and we agreed that I should see my family doctor just so it would be noted so I called and was able to get in and see a nurse practioner. She checked me out and did an x-ray on my wrist because of the pain. It is not broken but it is sprained and I am to ice it down and just take it easy. They cannot do anything about a broken tail bone so she checked with the doctor and we all agreed that there was no reason to take any further risks so there was no x-ray done on the tail bone. If it is broken it just has to heal on it's own. I am to sit on comfortable chairs and just take it as easy as I can. Right now. I have a head ache an the wrist hurts but mostly my tail bone is the biggest pain. I know the pain killers will come in handy for a while now but it is what it is. I called HealthSouth back on my way home and actually spoke with Crystal. She did not break anything but may have a torn rotator cuff they will know in a few days but I would

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