Thursday, July 28, 2011

Let me start by saying that Joanna Whiteside is one outstanding speech therapist!!
As for today, we stepped up the therapy and started standing physical therapy. I did pretty well but am really tired tonight. I also think that affected my speech therapy but I did pretty well with that as well. Occupational Therapy we worked on putting on slacks. It is amazing how we take things for granted like putting on slacks but for me it has been a challenge. They told me some tricks and I think it will work. I am just trying so hard to make that 20 hrs a week so that I can keep my job. But, I have to admit I am discouraged. I called to correct some things they had in the letter they had sent and I really fumbled with my words. My therapist told me what causes that but I forget what it is called. I told them I would do anything if the doctor clears me when I see him on the 15th to drive. Given the tremors and continued falling I don't really know what to expect but I am going to do everything I can to get there. Still even with all of that, we have it a lot better than most.
Right now, I am in a lot of pain and am really tired but I had what I think was a productive day. Tomorrow I have my counseling session so I am looking forward to that and talking about the week and seeing where we stand.
I'm just so tired of being tired. I just want to be quiet and rest.

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