Friday, July 22, 2011

Well, the in--laws made it safe and sound and the kids are loving having their maw maw Eva around. I enjoyed my counseling session today and had a lot to get off my chest. The long term disability specialist called and we talked and got things started in case my disability does go into long term. I am still hopeful that it won't. I have been in a lot more pain today but I think it was from the therapy yesterday. The long term specialist said she was going to send me the rules so I still don't know what that means in terms of the investigation but I have reservations as to the real reason the investigator came here. But, I guess we will continue to wait until we know for sure the investigation is over and what they determined before we know for sure. I was never dishonest or in anyway tried to hide anything. Heck common sense tells you they would know everything about me because I have not tried to hide anything it has always been on the blog and FB and I know everyone can see that so I have not tried to hide anything. But, again, it is what it is and we will just have to see how this all resolves. It is interesting that I am still stuck in March and have to check my phone to know for sure what month or day it is. But, I have learned to use my phone to remind myself of appointments and things that I have to do. It really is a great memory tool. Well, that is about it.
Tomorrow we celebrate Cottia's birthday and the family being here, Emily has worked so hard and done so much for this party and it will be special just because of the love she has for her children. The pool will be great for the kids but daddy just cannot get into the pool but, I will be here and given everything we have been through that in itself seems like such a miracle. God has allowed me to see another birthday for my child and myself. Just pray for Emily and that she does not get overwhelmed. I am so blessed to have her.
Have a great weekend everyone and God bless.

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