Monday, July 11, 2011

It is interesting how on a day I could sleep in, I still woke at 8:30. For a lot of people that is sleeping in I guess but for me before I had children sleeping in could be as late as noon. But, I think it is good that I got up, I had breakfast and watched some TV until about 1 then the pain in my left leg was just too much. I went back to sleep and really took a long nap. Taking naps is nothing unusual for me but usually it is only 1-2 hours but today it was more like 4 hrs. Now, I have to admit that I have taken 4 hr naps before but not lately so today was just a bit different and I mean I really slept. I was completely out. When I woke, I had to check on the dogs. This is the one thing that kind of scares me because I have fallen once when checking on them. Today, I stumbled a bit but did not fall so that was good. I have my phone with me at all times but in this heat and ants are the biggest concern if I were to fall and not be able to get back up. I do feel heat but it is not like it was once. I'm not sure how to explain it but my sensations are just different and the dogs do need to be looked in on. I just wish I spent more time with them. I feel they are being neglected for affection which is what they want. So, they do have cold water and food and the basics of life and I do try to pet them for at least a few minutes just to assure them they are loved.
The pain in my left leg has now moved to my thigh. The pain in the foot is constant but it is moving up and the tingling in my fingers continues so I have no explanation still no further word on disability and I know I need to start investigating SSI and I have to do some more research on the VA disability so Wednesday will be a target date for that.
I did get some things done today. Mainly involving prescriptions. But, it was something. Tomorrow will be a very busy day as I have therapy in the morning and have to pick up my prescriptions on my way home by then I know I will be worn out and ready for some rest.
I miss my wife and children greatly and it is this part of this time of day that is the hardest because I am used to giving baths and preparing dinner which is usually just hot dogs and simple things that I can do so this is this lonliest part of day for me. Mornings are tough because I am used to getting the family up and going but the evening when I get them ready for bed and I miss my daddy kisses before bed. I miss my wife and all the things she does and how she just gives the house that woman's touch. I just keep telling myself it is only a week and it will be over soon enough.
I do think the angina medicine is working. I am still having some chest pain but right now it is better. It is worse at night but overall I would say it is better. We will see how that goes but if I can get some releaf on that then that is one less thing I have to worry about.
So, that was my day. Tomorrow will be busy which will be good and I am looking forward to therapy and working out.

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