Monday, May 16, 2011

Today has not been so great. I started the morning at 530 because I was sore from the fall and my back was in a lot of pain. I could not take the pain medicine because I did not know when occupational therapy was coming and needed to be as alert as possible. So, I decided to get up and try to get some things done. I went into the closet to get some cloths and fell backwards. I was able to catch myself on the wall so I didn't hit the floor but I think it hurt my back even worse. I also wanted to help Emily with the girls cloths so I went to Cottia's room to move the cloths to the washing machine. Well, just like before, I hit my head in the closet. It didnt bleed ths time but it has given me quite the headache. I waited as long as I could but finally had to take the pain medicine. Occupational therapy called in sick so all I have is physical therapy today. I am going to bed once I am done with that. I continue to do all I can but I actually feel very weak today and I guess that is to be expected. Well, the physical therapist just drove up so it is time to do a little work. I may blog some more later but as for right now, I am tired and just want to rest.

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