Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I had speech therapy today. It went well. She said she thinks my biggest problem is trying to talk to fast. I just need to slow it down and speak clearly. She said she thinks that is 90% of my speaking issues and we are well on the way towards getting that addressed. I also met with my new counselor. I really like her. She is a Christian and we prayed together. She also said she will fill out any paperwork necessary for me and we are in no hurry. I explained that I want to return to work but I want it to be right and we have a lot of very personal issues to address. She is not sure about the diagnosis but certainly thinks it is a possibility. I truly feel God has brought me to her as she even went to school at App State!! How amazing is that! She was also concerned about Cottia and Eva and how they were dealing with all of this. God continues to amaze me. I don't know how much longer I will be out. I don't know what his plans are but I am at peace that I have done everything I can and am seeking the treatment which will get me a quality of life that I can be satisfied with. Time moves on.

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