Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Emily made it home safe and sound and we are so glad to have her back. The girls got to go swimming which is something I know they have missed as I can't take them due to my health. The best news is we made it through the last few days. Now, tomorrow she goes for a root canal then we have to pack but not too much to go to her brother's wedding in Virginia.
I really don't have much to blog about tonight other than the tingling is now in the bottom of my right foot and the pain in the left foot is there but not as bad today. I really didn't do very much today other than rest. I expect tomorrow to be pretty much the same thing then next week begins outpatient therapy. I am excited about that because I know they will really work me and while it will be painful I think it will be the best way to get me better and hopefully stop this weakening of my body. I just don't want to go back in the hospital so hopefully all of this will be outpatient and another good thing about it is it will get me out of the house which is a good thing. So, life goes on and God continues to work.

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