Friday, April 1, 2011

So, here I sit still in the hospital and wondering how much longer it will be. They have told me they hope to have me home by Wednesday but they are not sure. All I know is with every passing day my heart grows more and more tired wishing I were home with my family. There are issues with my blood pressure but I don't think they are too worried about it. One time it is high the other it is low. Very strange. Physical Therapy is going well and I am able to do more and more everyday. I am encouraged from that point of view. i also have more of an appetite than I have had in a while. I can move my leg and feet some and can even lift it a few inches off the ground. So, that is great news. They still don't know why my left foot goes numb but I guess it is nothing to be too concerned about. My spirits were really down yesterday because of how much I miss my family. But, hopefully it is for only a few more days. I did recieve news that I can take a day pass and leave the facility tomorrow as long as it does not interfer with my physical therapy. I don't know my schedule so right now I am on hold. I just hope my Pt is Sunday so I can leave for at least a few hours tomorrow. I'm not sure how things will go when I go home but I am so ready to get there. Still, when I look around me and see all these other folks in far worse shape then I am, I am blessed and I have to remember that. On another note, I did see a new surgeon to follow up on my bariatric surgery. I have just had enough of the other practice. I was made to feel so welcome and important so I feel it was the right decision. My weight is good so really I am on maintainence. More to come as I continue this journey.

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