Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter blog

Today was a very important day. Our Church hosted our annual Easter egg hunt and lunch. then, our family had our annual get together to celebrate the risen Lord and Savior. I wanted to go to both but expected it to be hard. I had occupational therapy this morning and I had taken a shower so I was already tired but still wanted to go. Emily took the girls to Church then came back for me after therapy was done. I knew I was already weak but still managed to get to see my girls hunt for the eggs. I got extremely whobbly (sp) when I entered the Churcch but I think it was due to all the excitement. Some friends brought me a chair and I was able to sit down and gain my composure. The girls had a good time which was the most important thing. I do think they are beginning to accept things as they are which is good but I still hope and believe things are going to continue to improve. After Church we went to my cousin's house. It was good to see everyone. I was excited and had some tremors but my aunt had some xanax (sp) which calmed me down and I gained my composure. Once again the most important thing was the girls had a good time. I felt weaker than normal but again I had a lot going on the past few days with the trip back from Virginia and therapy so I think it was to be expected. I plan to attend Church tomorrow but have to keep calm. I just don't like folks seeing me tremor. Everyone is so wonderful and understanding and it is a pride thing for me but I just really want to sit and enjoy worshiping the risen Savior with my Church family. We will see how the day goes. Emily has prepared a wonderful Easter meal for us after Church so we will celebrate as a family as well. I know I still have a long road ahead of me but God is in control and I do see hie hand working in a mighty way!
So, tomorrow we celebrate the risen Savior and the hope of all mankind. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me and how you love me despite myself. Happy Easter everyone!

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