Sunday, April 17, 2011

I feel like I am getting around better and better. I am even walking some without the walker but I have to take it slow. I had a minor tremor tonight but it passed. they seem to come and go. I find that writing my blog later in the evening is better because I am along with my thoughts. Being alone. That seems to have a whole new meaning after the events of the last few days with the passing of Chandler and the loss of my two aunts home. We are truly never alone. Even if there is no one else in the room God is always watching over us. That should both comfort and scare us. He sees all and knows all. As I am writing this I am watching the movie "The Passion of the Christ." I am reminded of all he endured for me. I believe he willingly went to the cross and allowed himself to be beaten and crucified when he could have called a legion of angels and ended it all right then. Yet, he chose to go forward and die so that we all might live. It is because of this that even though I am weak, I am strong. I am strong through the blood that has set us all free. Life on this earth ends but life itself goes on forever. The only question is where will we spend the life after this one? My heart and love goes out to Dusty, his girls, and entire family and I grieve for them and how their hearts have broken. But, our grief is short lived because Chandler knew her Savior an is alive forever more in his loving arms. That is the great hope of man kind. This simple carpenter from Judea who never harmed another living soul laid down his life so that we can mourn but also celebrate eternal life with the Father.

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