Thursday, April 21, 2011

The last few days have seen the full gambit of good and bad. Two days were not very good at all. The stuttering was bad and I felt weak but I got out of the house and walked for a little while. It amazes me how tired I get from just doing the slightest thing. On the other hand, I have tried walking some without the walker even though I am not supposed to and did ok. I only did that in the house though not outside. I have also learned how important it is for employers to have those push to open door buttons. It is difficult to manage a walker and try to open and keep a door open. So, one lesson iswhenever you see someone with a walker or wheelchair make sure to hold the door open for them or to push the handicapped button to help them. My walks outside have really felt good but I get really worn out from them and my left side continues to go numb. Especially my left foot. I get tingling in the arm and some shooting pains in the calves always on the left side. It is just so frustrating. I continue to hope for a full recovery but I have not seen the counselor or my primary doctor yet so I dont know what to expect. Those appointments are next week. I continue to do my exercises and am ready to get home so I can be in my own environment. I have enjoyed our short stay in Virginia and the family here has certainly treated me very well but there truly is nothing like being home. I'll continue to update as the days go on.

1 comment:

  1. Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew. St. Francis details Sales
