Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's blog

Today, I met my counselor. He actually is more of a behavioral therapist. He said we need to meet weekly so my next appointment is Monday at 10am. I am to bring a digitial recorder as this will be more like a class than actual therapy. It is designed to help me cope with conversion disorder and how to react to the situations that trigger episodes. After the session I had occupational therapy. It was a functional session not just a work out. He said I did pretty well but my balance is still off especially in the front. I was able to reach to the sides with little difficulty but the front is still an issue which means I am still a fall risk. I did not have physical therapy but need to go through a functional session tomorrow with that. Hopefully it will be a morning session. The nurse is also coming tomorrow and I do know they are thinking about changing my medications. They feel eventually I will be able to get my balance issues under control but the tremors are another story. Since they are not sure what triggers them they don't fully know how to treat them. So, that is going to be an ongoing process. I meet with my primary doctor Friday to go through the notes and see where we go from here. Tomorrow will be challenging but everyday is challenging. Getting around the house is pretty good but getting out is another story. so, we have to figure out a way for me to deal with the public and stressfull situations. Still, God is in control and our family continues to appreciate all the prayers and concern.

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