Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas! We are hoping for snow tonight but it is such a rare occurance here that I will be surprised if it happens. Hopefully it will though! I know the girls would love it. The holidays have been very special for us. My wife has gone out of her way to make it such a special time for our girls. We have been so richly blessed. My health does seem to be improving even though it is slow and we have a beautiful home with lots of food and love all around us. My heart soars with the peace of our faith and the hope of life eternal. I have been able to eat over the holidays and not feel stuffed. I hope that is a good sign and not a bad one. I did eat sweets but it has not been overwhelming. I am planning to pull back to a shake and protein bar Monday. But, I am so glad that I can pretty much eat what I want just not to excess. It will be interesting to see if I continue to lose or just maintain over the remainder of the holiday season. The pain the past two days has been really bad. I find it difficult to do very much but I try to press on with a smile. I continue to feel fatigued and tired most of the time. I also continue to exprience some bleeding and that does worry me because I thought that would be over by now. So, life goes on. My family is all together safe and sound so I dont think there is anything more than anyone on this planet can ask for. Merry Christmas to everyone who reads this blog. I pray God richly blesses you now and for the coming year!

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