Thursday, December 30, 2010

It is early morning Dec 30th. I woke in some pain this morning and had to take a pain pill. I really don't like starting the day with a pill that I know is going to knock me out. But, the pain was very intense. I also have developed these mouth sores again. I had mouth sores from time to time prior to having the band put in but since the surgery they have increased. Not sure why but the surgeons office said that does happen and they don't know why either. I guess it is just something I will have to live with. It is frustrating trying to enjoy food with mouth sores. The chest pains are a lot better right now. It is strange how they come and go. I still wonder if I have panic attacks but the doctors seem to all think it is physical not emotional. Not sure which is better but again it is just something I have to live with. Our home continues to be warm and full of love and my life is richly blessed by family and friends. All in all this past year will remain as one of the best of my life.

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