Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yesterday was pretty good. I still had pain but very little bleeding. I got out of the house some which was great but today is another story. The pain is very intense this morning and I have had some pretty bad bleeding. Not sure why but it did happen. Sunday I had spasms but none yesterday. I feel like I am on the verge of some today though and just hope it does not happen. Still, over all, I feel I am better. I just can't believe all of this has happened and all right together. It just seems like one thing after another. I find myself wondering what will happen next and when. I have never lived through so much. I still find myself resenting Riverside surgical because I truly feel I was put through more than was necessary. I did not need to have an invasive procedure to remove the one hemorroid and then to find out when I had the last surgery that I had 2 more internal hemorroids that had to be banded. What happened to the two I was told were banded in the original surgery? Were there actually 4 or did the doctor just not tell us the truth. I am so frustrated and feel I have suffered more than was necessary. I know this too will pass but right now I am going through more than was probably called for. I have decided that I will not go back to Riverside. I had decided to do an adjustment but now I just don't think it is wise. I will have to control my eating with discipline and self control. I have made so much progress without an adjustment that I just feel I don't need it and I don't want to go back to them.

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