Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My left shoulder is swollen like a grapefruit and it is painful. So, I went to my cardiologist today. They said it will get better that I just have to remember I have been through a lot in a month and it is just going to take time. I am still so tired but again they said just give it time. I guess I am trying to make this all happen to fast. I am so anxious about returning to work next week. I want to go back but am I truly ready? Right now, I don't think so and neither does the doctor. But, it will probably be good for me to have my daily routine again. The removed the bandage and gave me some new pads to put on the wound. I am also to stop taking bystolic and return to diovan. I go back Friday and we will make a final decision about returning to work and where we go from here. On a bright note, I had lost another 3lbs. My new jeans are already lose which is an incredible feeling. I don't plan to lose a lot more weight but I just want to make sure I maintain what I have accomplished. After the doctor appointment, I went on a quest and found some ice cream I can have. I can't wait to get into it. Right now, I am living off soup and puddings and protein. All in all that isn't too bad. I am so grateful to everyone who continues to pray for me and to worry about me. I had a true example of friendship today as a friend came over and cut our grass. He showed me true love. So many people have offered to help and we are so grateful. God's people coming through when we need them.

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