Sunday, December 25, 2011

Well, today is Christmas and the kids were very happy with their presents. They started waking up around 2am. I think Eva had nightmares because she would scream from time to time but she was sleeping from what I could tell so I didn't have to get up just lost sleep. Cottia would toss and turn and every now and then I would look down and see her eyes open. It really was cute to watch them with the anticipation of this morning.
Our trip has been pretty good so far except I did fall in the bathroom and my butt really hurts. I think I sprained my wrists again but once again there is no reason to go to the doctor because all they would say is there really isn't anything they can do and I already have pain medicine so I'll just get through it.
Emily and her mom made a great Christmas supper and we all enjoyed it a great deal.
I have some decisions to make that are not easy. I'm still disabled but I also want to work. I have to decide between trying to sell insurance or trying to find another job which is a tough decision. I'm not getting any coordinating work but maybe that will change after the first of the year. We will just have to wait and see.
My chest is hurting and I'm sure it is due to stress but I guess we will see.
Well, that is about it. I hope everyone that reads this is richly blessed and that includes those that read this for reasons other than just to keep up with the family. I also hope everyone had a great Christmas.

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