Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Today was therapy day and I am really sore tonight. But, things are progressing. Mom got moved to the same rehab hospital I was in and I am thrilled. I truly think they will do the very best for her. I know it will be hard, but it will be good for her and it will make her stronger. While I was there I asked for the same team that worked with me to work with her because I know how good they are. I just hope her stay isn't that long and that she will be able to come home soon but she will not be home for Christmas and I know that is bothering her. Hopefully she can still have a good Christmas and get a day pass to come home for a while.
Tomorrow we leave for Virginia for Christmas and I will admit I have mixed feelings about it. It was my idea to spend both major holidays up there but with mom in the hospital and another good friend of ours in the hospital with chest pains it does give me pause. Still, I just want to get up there and for the kids to have a great Christmas.
Well, that is about it. My legs hurt and I'm tired but I know Emily is too and hopefully she can get some rest while we are in Virginia. I also don't know if I will be able to blog while we are up there, it depends on if I can get on a network but if not, I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and that God will richly bless you all.

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