Monday, September 6, 2010

Today was challenging but I wanted it that way. Today was Labor day and we always have a big family get together for any holiday. My family had asked was I really up to it but I felt I needed them and wanted them around which meant food and lots of it. I think I handled it pretty well. There were moments when I just wanted to dig in and enjoy but I knew I couldn't. I did feel some hunger but nothing major. I sipped on my broth and drank some unsweetened tea and did just fine! I am very proud of myself as this was the first major test past surgery. Everyone seemed to have a great time which also made it worth while. I love family get togethers and food is always a big part of these events. As my body adjusts to the band I will be able to eat but will have to learn what I can eat and how much. For now, I have done well. The next major test will be my youngest daughter's birthday which is not until the latter part of October so I have some time to adjust. On another note, I am concerned as to why I am so tired all the time. I just have no energy. Plus, my back is in major pain. I am sure it has something to do with sleeping on my back but this pain is really difficult. I will probably speak with the doctor's office tomorrow so hopefully they can shed some light on this. Well, another day another pound as they say! Have a great one those who read these posts.

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