Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm not sure if it was worrying about what I am going to do about a job and my family. Or, if it was just that my heart was acting up. But, I was up a lot last night with chest pain. I had to take the nitro spray 3 times. I know it wasn't acid because I took tums and my perscription. It took the nitro to calm it down all three times. Then, my entire lower body went numb. But, it didn't last long and now is ok. I'm not sure what happened there but needless to say I stayed home from Church. I went back to bed about 10 and slept until 5. I just have decided it is not worth us putting our anymore money just to be told that it is only angina and I'll just have to live with it. I have been enough of a drain on this family as it is.
Right now, I feel ok but tired. I did have pain in the jaw and some in the arm but that has happened before so I just take it in stride and move on. Hopefully there is nothing major going on and I will be ok. I just feel bad that Emily once again was left with the girls and I did not get to spend very much time with my daughters today.
When I did get up Eva was so cute. She decided to take care of me. She got her little doctor kit and gave me a shot, took my blood pressure and took my temperature. She would make a good doctor. So, that was my day. Not exactly the day I had envisioned.
We were happy to have Jason over last night so he could go to Church this morning with us this morning and I hope he had a good time. I'm sure he had a blessing from attending the service.
Please pray for my Aunt. She has been taken to the hospital with her heart and I love her dearly. Also, please pray for my cousin's son who is in the hospital as well.
I hope everyone has a good night and may God bless.

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