Sunday, September 11, 2011

Church was very good this morning but the pain in my left leg is getting worse. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. But, I do feel the pain. It is ironic that I went to bed early last night so I would feel rested today and hopefully not sleep as long in the afternoon. But, I ended up still so exhausted that I slept for nearly 4 and a half hours. When I got up the pain had lessoned but it was still there. Emily and Cottia were out by the pool but Eva was still in her crib. I got her out and she got her bathing suit and was able to at least get out and enjoy some time with Emily and Cottia.
Once we got the girls in and bathed and fed I took the time to explain to Cottia while the news was showing images of 9/11 about the significance of our flag and I was so impressed that she does know what it means to be an American. I thought how awesome that was. I also explained to her the significance of the flag we have by our fireplace with all the medals of Pop and exactly who he was and what he had done as a WW 2 vet. I then told her about her own grandfather, Emily's father and how he too was a vet and that I also was a vet and why she should be proud of being an American. I'm not sure how much sunk in but I think she knows more than we give her credit for. I also explained to her how great I think her friendship with this young kid named Hunter is. That I really want her to be friends with kids that go to Church and whose parents we know. I know she is young but I don't think it is ever too soon to start delivering that message and how I feel about young men and being raised in the Church. I hope the message sinks in. It is so interesting to me how I find myself looking at all these young boys and think is one of these young men going to be the husband to my daughters and the father to my grandchildren. I don't know the answer to that yet but I do know how important it is to me that they are raised in the Church and that they make it a priority because God knows I have failed miserably in that as a man, husband, and Father. I want to much more for them.
So, this concludes this blog other than to say that on this day of remembrance I am thankful for all I have and have been given. I'm not rich compared to rest of our society as far as money goes and we have certainly been dealt some blows we didn't expect but we are still together and that is what matters most. May we never forget and may God bless our great nation and our fighting men and women. Thank you for all you have and continue to do.

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