Sunday, October 16, 2011

Well today was Sunday and Church day. It was unusual to not have to get the girls ready but it was also nice to be able to sleep in for a while before heading off. I'm not sure why but a friend of mine tapped me on the shoulder which caused me to start tremoring. It was that old trick to try to get me to look over the wrong shoulder. The tremors settled down during the service but then we went out to eat and I saw another old and dear friend and his family and the tremors started again. They were worse today for some reason. I don't know it it is because the girls are gone and I just miss them or what the reason was but eventually they also passed. Needless to say, I was exhausted so Emily brought me home and we both had nice long naps.
When we woke, Emily continued her cleaning of the house and I did all I could to help. It amazes me just how exhausted I get doing the simpliest of things but that is just the way it is. The last thing I will say about my physical condition is the pain in the left leg is worse today but I think it was because I tried to help out and did everything I could. I refuse to allow my wife to do it all even though she tries.
Now, on to the fun and great things that happened. We had a great sermon. But, not a big crowd. I guess it was just too cold for folks to get out. Lunch was great and we really enjoyed spending time with a dear friend and I think having grown up conversation for all of us was very good. She also neesds the time with us and we are grateful for the time we had with her. I also enjoyed watching my beloved wife hold the baby. I got to hold her for a little while but I was tired and having some chest pain so I passed her to Emily. I thought Emily would pass her back to her parents but instead she held the baby through the entire sermon. Emily is a great mother but for her to just hold a baby is not normal but wonderful to see. I'm not sure why but it gives me hope that there still may be a baby or at least another child in our future which gives me even more reason to continue to fight. The baby is beautiful and quiet and she reminds me that no matter what happens and no matter how bad things may get that life goes on. That is a gift that only a God of the ages can give.
Well, that is about it. I continue to pray that God richly blesses you all and that everyone has a great night and week ahead.
Oh, I'm not sure when I will see the movement specialist but I hope it is soon and I am ready to get that behind me. All though I am looking forward to the trip to Charleston. It is my favorite city in the world. Hopefully we can take some time to enjoy the city itself.
Again, have a great night and God bless.

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