Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today was Physical Therapy day and the head therapist did an evaluation of me. That is something they are required to do anyway so it isn't anything unusual. I was tired before I got there and had been having some chest pain but I did the best I could. I was not able to complete every exercise. But, I did most. I asked him if he thought we could go to once a week mainly because I am concerned about gas prices right now. But, he felt we needed to stay with twice a week. He also told me they have a neuropsychiatrist on staff at HealthSouth so I called MUSC to see if they think I can seek treatment with him or if they just feel I need to continue only at MUSC. I am waiting to hear back and I don't know how long of a wait I would have to get with the man here. It may be faster in Charleston. I will just have to wait and see how it all works out.

Right now I am having a little shortness of breath and chest pain but it isn't anything new so I will just let it pass.

Homelife is still going on as usual. Cottia had softball practice, Emily had to get her shot and Eva and I enjoyed some daddy/daughter time. They keep me going and give me reason to fight and fight hard.

Well, that is about it. Nothing really new. Tomorrow is counseling day but I will have to keep an eye on the weather. I am not comfortable with driving in the rain over long distances. So, we will have to see how that all works out.

So, as always, I pray God's richest blessings on you all and wish you a wonderful evening and that his face will shine on you all.


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