Sunday, January 29, 2012

Today is Sunday and what a great day of worship and freedom it has been. I actually felt stronger. But, I was also able to take a good nap. I do feel like I am catching a cold and both girls and Emily have one so it was only a matter of time before I would get the cold.
We have been doing 40 days of prayer at our church and I do feel the power of the spirit moving. God is so good..
Our family is dealing with the stroke of my last uncle on my mother's side. He had the stroke this past week and it is massive on the left side. It has affected his speech and he is in a lot of pain. I did also get an update that he is weaker today but we are still hopeful. It is very emotional for me not just because he is my uncle but he also build the house we are living in. I have always said he built this house for us! We ask for your prayers.
Now, for an Eva story. Yesterday, I was listening to some amazing music and one of the singers was a finalist on America's got Talent. She sang Ava Maria and it was just perfect. Eva does not sit still for anything but she was totally still for this and she looked at me and said "She is an angel." Eva then began to sing and I realized that Eva may have a talent I was not aware of. I have never believed in pushing my children towards anything. I want them to discover what they love and what they want to persue. But, I have to wonder if Eva will discover a love of music. It was a special time for me and my little girl.
Now for a Cottia story. Well, today my little girl actually got a ring from her "boyfriend." It was cute but I will admit that old daddy's heart skipped a bit. She is growing up and ther is nothing I can do about it. I still miss those days when I had to get up with her in the middle of the night for bottle feedings and just holding her and loving every minute of it and now those days are gone but not forgotten. I took pictures of Cottia and her ring and when we got in the sanctuary Hunter and Cottia posed for a picture with her little ring. Hunter's family is wonderful and we all like each other. But, the most important thing to me is that Hunter is growing up in the Church and that is so important to me. I'm not saying Hunter is the one but I am saying I am happy if life brings my oldest daughter a man in her life that is already in Church and not one she has to invite to church. That is so important to me. Well, on the way home we were talking and Cottia said Hunter kissed her THREE times today!! I said "He is so in love with you." Her response....."Tell me about it!" I lost it. But, it was another of those moments I won't forget and will treasure in my heart for the rest of my life.
Jason is spending the weekend with us and we always enjoy having him. He and Cottia played kick ball and soccer today while I rested and Eva slept. He truly is like a big brother and I know he loves my girls and our family and frankly I don't know what we would do without him sometimes. I depend on him for so much. He took care of the dogs today and brought up wood for the wood box. But, in return he does get foot and our everlasting love and appreciation.
Now, for a weight update. I am not really able to stay on the scales long enough to get an accurate weight but either my cloths have gotten bigger or I have lost some more weight. So, I choose to believe that I am losing somemore weight. My legs seem to stay cold now especially the left one. There is pain in the calf but mostly cold. But, that is from the PVD so it is just a fact of my life. We continue to move on and I do feel my speech is getting better and I am making progress but I still have a ways to go.
Finally and as always, I pray God's richest blessings on each and everyone of you and that he will pour out his rich blessings on you all. Have a great one!!


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