Friday, March 11, 2011

Today was tough. I woke and could not find my glasses which sent me into a frenzie. I felt so stupid!! I always put my glasses at the same place everynight and I just could not understand why I would have put them somewhere else. But, I had. Still the day had to get going. So, I got the girls up and took Cottia to school and Eva to maw maw's. I came back home and really wanted to get some things done. But, the chest pains were just off the chains. The dogs had also gotten out and I had to catch them and put them back into their pen. The oldest dog tried to bit me but I know she was just scared and that is not her nature. I was so frustrated and I think it just caused me more stress than I needed. I took my heart medicine and sat down to try to calm down. Eventually it did but I was so exhausted. I did some studying on the computer until about 12 then went to bed. I slept a few hours then got up. Emily was home and I was so glad to see her. I went and got the girls and brought them home. Eva was tired but Cottia had softball practice. So, I had to leave Eva with Emily and take Cottia to practice. Sitting on the benches was not easy but I got through it. I had to speak with the coach and right at that moment one of those gas moment hit. I had no control. The embarrassment was so much. I felt humiliated and ashamed. The coach handled it with class and dignity as I would expect. All I could do was apologize but this is just something I have no control over. It really made me wonder how Monday will go back at work. Suppose the VP speaks to me and I have one of those moments? Do I just ignore it or do I explain why it happened. I can feel my stress level is really rising. I want to go back to work but is it really the right time for that? No matter what, I am going Monday.

I have an appointment with my cardiologist Wednesday so I may take the entire day off but we will see how that goes. If nothing else I will have the afternoon off.

I guess life is funny. But, right now mine is a real joke at times. Still, I press on.

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