Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another day another rectal exam!! YEA FOR ME!! The doctor said I am healing but it is just going slow. He said the botox will wear off in about 4 months. He said I should be able to work I will just need to be allowed to go to the bathroom when I need to. The only problem with that is I work in a call center so asking to be excused when a customer is irate is not going to be easy. So, I called disability and spoke with the HR manager. He has been following my situation all along and was already working on a solution. He did not want me to return to work tomorrow so my return to work date is going to be Monday. That should give them some time to get me a work station that is kind of private in case I have a gas issue and also is close to the rest room. I will have to take extra pairs of depends with me an will also take an extra set of clothing. I'm not sure how all this will work out but I do feel I need to try. It is funny the mixed emotions I have. I have grown spoiled to staying up late and resting during the day. There will be an adjustment for my body no doubt but I will be back at work full time. The HR manager did tell me if I have to come back out he will totally support me. I feel so much better. But, I agree that I have to give it a try. They also are going to work very hard to get me back home working which would be fantastic especially with gas prices the way they are.

Emily seems to be dealing with her broken foot pretty well. She is able to get around and I actually enjoy taking care of her. She is so independent so it is nice to do things for her. Cottia is so cute but still is not feeling well. Eva is Eva that is about all I can say. She seems to be the only one in the house that is not sick even though her nose is running a bit.

This evening was stressful but it will get better. I am used to giving both girls a bath but not folding and putting cloths away. That usually falls to Emily. But, I did my best. We will get through all of this but it is ironic that as I am returning to work all these other things have fallen on us. What a life we live.

On another note, I continue to maintain my weight. It goes up a few lbs then back down. I haven't lost anymore but given all that has happened I really don't care at this point. I think once I start working again Monday, I'll lose some more weight. I'll continue to poset and pray God's blessings.

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