Sunday, March 27, 2011

I didn't think I could access this site to update my blog but I found a way around it. Amazing how a little concentration will work. As most of you know I have been in the hospital since Wednesday March 16th. But, in my mind it is still March 14th even though I know it is not because the nurses update the date for me on the little board. It has certainly been a long process but what else is new for me. During my last blog I updated that I had returned to work and the events that had happened. the day this event happened I was actually off work. I woke that morning to PVC's and my left arm going numb. I had a doctor's appointment but needed to stop by the school to drop something off for Emily. All I remember is I walked in the library and fell. I don't think I passed out as I know I was talking. Emily's initial concern is that it might be my heart. I made it to the school office before completely collapsing. I lost the ability to speek and my left side gave out. The last words I spoke clearly was to call the ambulance. When we made it to the hospital they ran all kinds of tests and said I had not had a heart attack or stroke. I was suffering tremors that were so violent they were like epiliptic seizures. I was evaluated by a neurologist who said there was nothing wrong that it was all in my mind. then, I was evaluated by a psychologist who said it was not in my mind but medical. The rollercaster ride was unbelieveable. Finally, we were told I have a rare condition called conversion disroder. I won't get into great detail but you can google. I am trying to type this but my arms get very tired. The only treatment for the disorder is physical, speech, and occupational therapy. Basically, my brain has to learn that my body can do what it used to do. It may take some time but most people do recover. I have been accepted to Palmetto healthsouth and will be moved there tomorrow to begin therapy. I know I am getting stronger every day and my speech is better but the least little thing seems to set off the tremors and sometimes they are very difficult. The make me so tired. the doctor said that is to be expected as it is like a full body work out. I think the hardest part of this diagnosis is that my mind has convinced my body that it does not work. According to the Mayo Clinic the condition and symptoms are real. I hope I won't be in rehab long. I just want to go home but there is the concern that I would fall. Right now I am able to walk with a walker for about 75 ft according to physical therapy here at the hospital. I have to have something to steady my body. My left upper strength is getting better but continues to be weak. My left lower is still also weak. It is just going to take time. God has seen us through so much already and right now all we can do is trust him and his will. I will continue to update as best I can.

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